Saturday, July 12, 2008


Self-denial. What an utterly frightening term. Just hearing it conjures up thoughts of all of a sudden giving up following my sports teams, (an idolatrous)desire for relationships, love of food and control over my entirety. Yet, as a Christian, this is what I have been called to. Deny self for Christ and the Church.
Is there a balance here? Can I still hold on to some of the things I like as long as they do not become idolatrous? How can they not become idolatrous? If I share these experience with others, does that make it OK?
I'm probably asking the wrong questions if I want to know how much I can hold on to these things. Without a doubt, I will hang on to some of these likes/idols (?).
Whatever the answer, I must daily remind myself of how great a gift I have been given and that I am called to live accordingly. Who or what else can provide me with salvation, justification, forgiveness of sins? Who or what else promises me eternal life?
I have recently let my mind be clouded with desires for a great many things, things that are not inherently sinful, but have probably led me to sin as a result of the emphasis I've placed on them.
Admittedly, I'm afraid to dive in again. A young woman recently remarked to me saying, "I find it hard to pray to God because He takes so long to answer or things don't turn out the way I pray for." I, too, have fallen into such near-sighted hopelessness. But then, why am I praying? Too often, I find myself praying that things would go MY way, rather than God's. No wonder I'm disappointed.

Certainly, my mindset needs to change.
The Gospel must be part of my life each day so I am reminded of what a great gift I've been given and, thus, prayer and self-denial are 'easier'. Though, I'm sure that this road is marked with suffering, hope is in the end of the world and the new world to come, not the world itself and what it offers.

To those so inclined, help to pray that I may see it so. Because, too often, I do not.

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